VanillaPlus: Inside Swisscom’s mainframe replacement project
Computer Weekly: LzLabs CEO – app modernisation is (a form of) development
A guide to running mainframe applications in containers & as microservices

Containers and Modernization So what exactly is the power of this technological innovation? Containers drastically reduce time-to-market. They make the race to continuous innovation sustainable, even at the scale of these internet giants! This innovation is the fuel for the digital evolution of entire business sectors for both new and old companies. In the digital […]
TechTarget: IBM mainframes face competitive pressures inside and out
How to achieve horizontal scaling of batch mainframe workload

In conjunction with SDM, LzBatch™ provides support for executing legacy mainframe batch jobs in a modern x86-Linux environment. LzBatch provides binary-compatible execution for Batch applications written in COBOL, PL/1 or Assembler. This means that an application can run without recompilation in a Linux environment based on x86 hard¬ware. Standard mainframe Job Control Language (JCL) and […]
Intelligent CIO: Swisscom moves entire mainframe workload to software defined mainframe in the cloud
An easy way to transform COBOL to JAVA

At the other extreme of computing history, fifty years later, Java, invented at Sun Microsystems in 1995 by James Gosling, is clearly the current leading programming language in the corporate world. It delivers the very powerful abstractions of object-oriented programming, backed by the largest tooling ever developed for any language and fostered by an immense […]