Let Your Mainframe Breathe

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The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. While countless legacy environments and applications persist despite inherent impediments, organisations that rely on mainframes for their business today must upcycle their application and data landscape for the challenges ahead – and we understand that’s not an easy transformation. For companies worldwide, mainframe applications continue to […]

Mainframe modernisation brings IT and Business together in shared value generation  

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A failure to understand the business value of technology transformation is an underlying impediment to very necessary change. Many organisations are reluctant to replace their ageing mainframe applications for fear of business disruption or finding the right replacement platform or technology or partner. But if they understood the value that modernisation would unlock, they may […]

Organising governance for a successful Mainframe modernisation

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But after two decades of businesses kicking the can down the road, Risk Officers are giving modernisation programmes the green light as head-in-the-sand strategies hit a wall. Quite simply, the risk of doing nothing is too great, exacerbated by a dwindling pool of mainframe skills, which threatens the business’s very survival. Organisations are finally engaging […]

Digital Transformation is more than a plumbing project

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The market for digital transformation has grown from just under a billion dollars in 2017 to over 2 billion in 2023 and is predicted to continue growing to 3.4 billion by 2026. Yet nearly 70% of digital transformation projects are estimated to fail today. Here are five key lessons that can help organisations lead digital […]

Business risks that make mainframe modernisation an imperative

Business risks

Tales of business application failure in the wake of departing mainframe personnel are legion – and are ringing alarm bells all the way to the board. Outages to billing, payroll, core banking and policy admin and other critical services are routinely caused by the great retirement skills void. The US airline that entrusted its core […]

Make culture the centrepiece of mainframe modernisation


A transformation study by Boston Consulting Group found that five times as many companies focusing on culture perform well financially compared with those that neglect culture (90% v 17%). That’s the carrot, or the incentive to act — and the stick is just as persuasive and more familiar: according to the Project Management Institute, at […]

Securing legacy applications the open source way

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Today, the mainframe’s memory and batch processing capacity means that many corporations still rely on it to run their core business applications. But the mainframe now has to co-exist with a distributed computing environment that includes open-source and cloud, which, as platforms go, offer enough flexibility to meet the demands of modern business. Being interconnected […]

Legacy modernisation: Solutions, risk, people, and a providential illusion.

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This fundamental principle is just as valid for mainframe application modernisation as for anything else. Because there is no silver bullet: there is no single product, technology, architecture, or AI algorithm that will solve the complexity that comes with modernising business-critical applications written decades ago. A key reason is that application modernisation is not only […]

Delivery of disruptive technology – Five key principles

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The term ‘disruptive technology’ refers to inventions or improvements on current technologies that change how consumers, businesses, or an entire industry operates. These technologies can be introduced by established companies or startups. And it is crucial to use project management strategies that have been tested over time. We have gained some experience in this regard […]

Application modernisation: Safe and steady on an incremental journey

Incremental Journey

As we’ve learnt, paying attention to the journey and being light footed is vital when external shocks like the pandemic or market volatility mean that business priorities can switch overnight. Legacy application modernisation is a complex endeavour that rarely lends itself to a simplistic A-B route. But that doesn’t mean it should become an unpredictable […]

What makes modernisation projects succeed?

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Our LzLabs teams have helped many organisations in their modernisation projects, from the initial consultation and planning stages all the way through implementation, testing and go-live. This end-to-end expertise is unique and has allowed LzLabs to experience how the very philosophy behind modernisation has changed over the years. In so doing, we’ve identified four key […]